The Light Of The World


Kirt Tisdale

The Light Of The World
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The Light Of The World
Light Of The World is an art print I created using a variety of different drawing techniques. I then added the overlay from John 8:12 to complete this particular print. The end result is an abstract look of a lighthouse on a bluff overlooking either a setting sun or rising sun depending on the coastline. With the sun on the horizon, I chose to stay close to primary colors creating a bold look, but darkened and softened the orange and blue as they pulled up and down from the horizon line. The lighthouse on a bluff in black silhouette with its light shining completes the look of this abstract representation of a guardian lighthouse. As a Christian artist, I seek to make sure that the bible verse I am using is a good marriage with the art print I put it on. In this particular case the art print was a perfect complement to this verse. Follow my work: TheWallGallery: Blog: Twitter: Facebook: Copyright 2020 Kirt Tisdale/
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